Chat-commands overview

You will find all available chat-commands further down on this page.

Almost all of the features of the security system can be controlled 100% through the built-in graphical user-interface. However, you can also control all of the features with chat-commands too, and some advanced features requires some manual usage of chat-commands.

General important commands

- Activates the help/documentation (You are reading it now! ;)

- hides the hover-text and makes security orb 80% transparent.

- shows the hover-text again and makes the orb fully visible again

- Locks the settings so only chief-admin can change them
- Sub-admins will only be able to start, stop and add remove people from access-lists when it is locked
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

- Unlocks the settings
- Sub-admins will be able to change almost all settings when it is unlocked
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

- Delivers a free controller HUD
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

- Delivers a backup-unit
- Rez the backup-unit within 10 meters of the orb and follwo the instructions to perform a backup/restore
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

Starting and stopping

- Starts the security-system in the previous selected running-mode (To change mode, click on orb, then click start and then select new mode)

- Stops the security-system

Banning, adding, removing, access-lists

- Read this page to learn more about adding, banning etc

/7ban [avatar name]

- Example: /7ban thomas conover

/7add [avatar name]
- Example: /7add thomas conover

/7remove [avatar name]
- Example: /7remove thomas conover

/7addadmin [avatar name]
- Example: /7addadmin thomas conover

/7removeadmin [avatar name]
- Example: /7removeadmin thomas conover

Listing and printing

- Prints out the stored activity-log in chat
- Prints out all visitor-names, and all other important info
- Use Control+H on keyboard to open the chat-history window to read it
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

- clears the activity-log. Only chief-admin can use this.

- Prints out current settings in chat.
- Use Control+H on keyboard to open the chat-history window to read it
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

- lists access-list, ban-list etc in chat
- Use Control+H on keyboard to open the chat-history window to read it

Security settings

/7range [meters]
- Example: /7range 15
- Changes the protection-range of the security
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

/7warningtime [seconds]
- Example: /7warningtime 60
- Changes the amount of time a intruder can stay on your land unti lthe security will ban/eject them
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

/7warnverbal on
- Turns ON sending of warning messages and warning pop us to the intruders/visitors.
- Sending of warning pop us and messages are ON by factory-default.

/7warnverbal off
- Turns OFF sending of warning messages and warning pop us to the intruders/visitors.

/7warncache on
- Turns ON memorizing visitors spent time. This means, if you set warning time to 1 hour, and a intruder spends 30 minutes on your land and then come back later, they will only have 30 minutes left until they get ejected.
- This is ON by factory-default.

/7warncache off
- Turns OFF memorizing visitors spent time. This means, if you set warning time to 1 hour, and a intruder spends 59 minutes on your land and then come back later, they will still get another hour of visitor time each time the re-visit.

/7warnmessage [your custom message goes here]
- Now you can fully customize the warning message each possible intruder will get. if you just use /7warnmessage without any text after it, it will reset back to default warning.
- You can also define in the warning message where their names will be inserted, and also inform how many seconds they will have until they will be ejected.
- Example: /7warnmessage Welcome to my home [name]. This is private property and you will have [s] seconds of time before you will be automatically ejected from the land.

You can insert the two special tags [name] and [s] to define where the intruders name and how many seconds they have to leave in your messages.

/7temptime [minutes]
- Example: /7temptime 30
- Changes the default temporary-access time for any visitor you allow temporary on your land
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

/7bantime [hours]
- Example: /7bantime 3
- Changes the amount of hours a intruder will be banned. Default is 3 hours. Setting it to 0 (ZERO) will make the ban INFINITE.
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

- Changes the eject-mode to Teleport-Home and added to parcel ban-list.

- Changes the eject-mode to Teleport-Home only.

- Changes toe eject-mode to Eject-only.

/7groupadmin on
- When activated, all members of the group which is active on the security system will be automaticalyl promoted to sub-administrator
- Warning! Use this command with caution!

/7groupadmin off
- Turns off auto-promotion of sub-admins

System reset commands

- Completely erases and resets the ban-list. Both the internal ban-list and the parcel ban-list.

- Completely erases and clears all people from the access-list.

- Completely erases and clears all people from the administrator-list.

- Resets all settings to factory-defaults

- Resets absolutely everything in the security system. settings. access-lists. etc.

Bounding box controls

- Starts the bounding-box configurator
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

- Use this command after you have used the /7getbox command and what to save the new bounding-box settings

- WARNING! Experimental command! Do not use unless you are really tech-savvy!
- It’s basically a 100% automatic system for bounding-box configuration
- Make sure your security orb is located in the CENTER of the room before you use this!
- Use the above mentioned /7getbox method instead if you do not understand how to use the /7tracebox command

Hippo & CasperLet rental controls

/7rental unlink
- Unlinks the security from a linked hippo or CasperLet rental-box
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

Advanced scanner settings

/7scanspeed [seconds]
- Changes the rezzing-delay speed of the scanner-drones
- The scanner-drones will only be used if range is set to higher than 96 meters
- Example: /7scanspeed 10 (Will rez scanner drones every 10 seconds)
- Example: /7scanspeed 30 (Will rez scanner drones every 30 seconds)
- minimum 10 secs, max 60 secs

/7drones off
- Warning! Do not use this command, unless you have successfully linked your security system to a compatible Phoenix or Firestorm SL viewer!
- The command basically completely disables all scanner drones no matter how high the range is set
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

/7drones on
- Turns on rezzing of drones again.

Restricting avatars by script-limit

/7scriptlimit [maxScripts]
- Example: /7scriptlimit 100 (Anyone with more than 100 scripts will be auto-banned)
- Activates auto-ban on script-limits
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

Restricting avatars by age

- Read this page to learn more about age-banning

/7agemax [days]

- Example: /7agemax 300 (Will auto-ban anyone OLDER than 300 days)

/7agemin [days]
- Example: /7agemin 14 (Will auto-ban anyone YOUNGER than 14 days)

/7ageban reset
- Disables the age-banning system completely

Restricting avatars by size

- Read this page to learn more about avatar-size banning

/7avatarsize [meters]

- Example: /7avatarsize 1.5 (Auto-bans anyone with a avatar-height smaller than 1.5 meters)
- To deactivate, use: /7avatarsize 0

- Delivers a avatar-height measurement-tool
- Rez it and click on it

Alerts and notifications

- Read this page to learn more about instant alerts

- Mutes all textual alert-messages in chat history window. Use this if you find the text-alerts to be annoying or intrusive.

- Enables the textual alert-messages in chat-history if you have muted them

/7email [email address]
- Example: /7email
- Activates sending of email-alerts

/7email off
- Deactivates email alerts

- Activates sending of Instant-Message alerts. (Only works for Chief-Admin in order to keep low lag!)

- Disables Instant-Message alerts for Chief-Admin.

/7apikey [iPhone API key]
- Activates sending of instant PUSH alerts to your iPhone or iOS device.

/7apikey disable
- Deactivates sending of instant PUSH alerts to your iPhone or iOS device.

/7androidkey [Android API key]
- Activates sending of instant PUSH alerts to your Android device

/7androidkey disable
- Deactivates sending of instant PUSH alerts to your Android device

Other commands

/7rename [new orb name]
- Renames the orb so it will be easier to identify in the HUD controller menus

/7channel [new channel]
- Example: /7channel 10 (Changes the channel from 7 to 10)
- Used to change the default chat-channel of the security system

/7alertbubble on
- Turns on automatic alert-bubble system
- Read this page to learn more about this feature

/7alertbubble off
- Turns off automatic alert-bubble system

/7visual (visualrangelong)
- Shows a visual scan-bubble for 5 minutes. Great to use if you want to see the exact area that will be protected
- Read this page to learn more about this feature


Configuring the visitor-tracker

You can configure the visitor-tracker in various ways. Due to memory limits, you can only do this by using chat-commands:

/7ignoreaccess ON
- If you turn this ON, anyone that is granted access to the area due to that they are sub-admins, added to the access-list or due to that they are granted access by the Age/Height/Script-limit checks will be completely ignored by the visitor-tracker and will not show up in the log and will not be sent with PUSH messages or email alerts..
- Shortly put, only those who are specifically banned or ejected will show in the visitor-list.

/7ignoreaccess OFF
- Turns off the global access-ignoring. When turned OFF, the visitor-tracker will alert you whenever anyone has arrived in the area, regardless of their access-status.

Legacy commands

The commands below are older V2.x commands which still works in V3.x too, but has been partially or fully replaced by easier functions.

/7xmax [coordinate]
- For fine-tuning bounding-box system
- Sets the X max coordinate restriction
- PS! These values are ABSOLUTE-coordinates, not relative-coordinates!

/7ymax [coordinate]
- For fine-tuning bounding-box system
- Sets the Y max coordinate restriction
- PS! These values are ABSOLUTE-coordinates, not relative-coordinates!

/7zmax [coordinate]
- For fine-tuning bounding-box system
- Sets the Z max coordinate restriction
- PS! These values are ABSOLUTE-coordinates, not relative-coordinates!

/7xmin [coordinate]
- For fine-tuning bounding-box system
- Sets the X minimum coordinate restriction
- PS! These values are ABSOLUTE-coordinates, not relative-coordinates!

/7ymin [coordinate]
- For fine-tuning bounding-box system
- Sets the Y minimum coordinate restriction
- PS! These values are ABSOLUTE-coordinates, not relative-coordinates!

/7zmin [coordinate]
- For fine-tuning bounding-box system
- Sets the Z minimum coordinate restriction
- PS! These values are ABSOLUTE-coordinates, not relative-coordinates!

- For bounding-box system
- Resets and deactivates any coordinate restriction set by a admin.